Meet Your Photographer

Born and raised in a small fishing village called Little Lorraine, on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, many of my fondest memories are at my nanny’s kitchen table with tea, homemade bread with molasses, and boxes full of old photographs. 

I would spend hours flipping through albums with my grandmother and listening to the stories she and other family members told. For me, they evoked more than just nostalgia — they ignited a fervour for capturing memories and a deep appreciation for the stories that photographs can tell. I often muse on how our images will linger long after we’ve gone. How others will craft stories from the traces of the lives we lived and the people we loved. I believe this is where the foundation of my deep love for photography began.

I began my studies in photography back in 2002. However, life’s twists and turns led me down many different paths, including careers in the social worker/mental health field, alternative health field, and also owning my own wellness centre. My journey took me to every corner of this country, from the beautiful lush west coast to the stark, breathtaking beauty of the northern Arctic - each new place offering its own unique canvas, profoundly reshaping how I move through the world. Finding my way back to this medium feels right. It feels like returning home.

A rediscovery of an art that’s been woven through my life no matter how many seasons have passed, 

Today, deeply immersed in the currents of motherhood, I’ve come to love this little life we have created. Once a lover of the hustle and grind, I now seek slow and simple living - where spending my mornings hearing my girls sing and play, while my hubby brews coffee in the kitchen is our new ritual. These fleeting moments are cherished and I am so deeply happy for this beautiful, slow life.

Currently living in the beautiful Georgian Bay area of Ontario, Canada.
Litte Lorraine
Cape Breton Island
Nanny's House

Fun Facts
About Me

  • I have Alopecia. I was diagnosed at 18, and spent my 20's and most of 30's wearing wigs - I hated every minute of it!
  • I lived in the Arctic.
  • I have worked 26 jobs thus far (and counting)!
  • I once flew a Pilatus PC-12 air plane in the Arctic. It was wild - I flew it up above the clouds and according to the passengers, it went just "okay". Ha!
  • I was a Registered Massage Therapist for 12 years.
  • I love the fog.
  • I secretly wish I was a hobbit!
  • I lived in the mountains of Northern British Columbia and my favourite memory while living there is taking a helicopter ride to the tip of the mountain, spending the day on top of the world.
  • I’m also a Doula, and I take on a few births a year!
  • I am the absolute worst at impressions.
  • I delivered my baby on my own, on my bathroom floor - it was magical.